Throughout this year, a continuing theme within our district is raising student achievement. One way of raising our district's achievement is clearly identifying which students are not proficient in reading. While reviewing data, there is a clear achievement gap between students who are categorized as low SES and those who are not. A major goal of mine throughout this year is to increase the number of proficient readers in our at risk population by empowering teachers to improve our identification and instructional strategies to meet their needs, to ensure a positive future for all students.
So how are we doing this?
- Identifying which students are non-proficient readers (and why)
- Implementing Second Chance Reading at the middle school level
- Continuing our commitment to SCR at the high school level
- Early intervention and identification at the primary grade level
- Continual evaluation of primary curriculum
- Professional development to improve how ALL teachers can help improve reading
So what is at stake if our district DO NOT improve our reading scores?
- Labeled a School/District In Need of Assistance
- Increased number of students who are not successful in our school and could possibly drop-out
- Negative publicity which can lead to decreased enrollment
- Our students students do not have the workplace readiness or the 21st century skills to be successful coming out of high school
At Graettinger-Terril, we are working very hard to provide the best education for ALL students. By improving the way we identify which students actually need help, and new and improved strategies on how the help is given, we will be able to serve our students to their full academic potential.