Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year...New Attitude!!

What is it about New Year Resolutions? Why do so many people make them, yet so few people are successful at actually following through with them? That will be a topic up for discussion during Advisory this coming week. It is my goal to help kids (and adults) understand that the way to make your New Year's Resolutions a success is by developing a plan and setting appropriate goals. Here are my New Year Resolutions (and what I'm going to do to make it happen)!
  1. READ MORE...I'm discovering as a Principal that I read a lot...however, it isn't the kind of reading that I necessarily enjoy. I plan on getting back to reading 20 minutes a day of something I enjoy i.e. TIME magazine, satire literature, and educational blogs.
  2. LOSE WEIGHT...isn't this what everyone puts down??? This year is different. I'm going to workout on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights. I'm going to eat less carbs and more high protein foods. Wish me luck!
  3. START MY DAY EARLIER...I was reading an article that said you actually have more energy if you get up and get moving a little earlier in the morning, even if it is only 15-20 minutes. I've purchased a new alarm clock...and it is really loud...

What is your New Year's Resolution? How are you going to accomplish it? I'll be giving some treats to kids who respond to these questions on my blog (your child can always use you to respond to my questions as well...they will still get the treat).

Best of Luck :)


  1. I want to be more organized.
    Arielle Roth

  2. Me too, Arielle! I am working on that right now by combining my blogs and cleaning out my email and computer desktop. I guess you could say I am organizing my digital space.

  3. I am going to practice cursive writing more.
    Elsa Buhr
