Friday, April 9, 2010

Mr. Ulrich Gets a Haircut!!!

Before taking the ITBS, student brainstormed with their teachers to determine what they wanted to work towards if they met their ITBS goals. The 4th Grade wanted a pizza party and to give Mr. Ulrich a haircut...

The results? The 4th Grade was 100% proficient in Science, 100% proficient in Math, and 95% proficient in Reading (with 50% of all 4th graders in the advanced reading range). So what is a Principal suppose to do??? Enjoy...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Read, Think, Write


For today's professional development, please post your answer's to the following questions...

  1. How does this strategy work?
  2. Why does it help students increase their reading comprehension?
  3. How could you apply it to your classroom (give specific examples)?