Thursday, April 1, 2010

Read, Think, Write


For today's professional development, please post your answer's to the following questions...

  1. How does this strategy work?
  2. Why does it help students increase their reading comprehension?
  3. How could you apply it to your classroom (give specific examples)?


  1. Read, think, write reinforces students to remember to "think" about their reading. Students are to use their inner conversation skills to help them better understand reading selections. Students are taught to stop, think, and react to information as they read. Read, think, write helps to students to monitor their reading, focus their thinking, and become strategic readers. Reading comprehension can be a difficult process for students. When readers read and can develop meaning, they use inner conversation with the text. Their voice in their head asks questions, connects, agrees, disagrees, etc. Inner conversation helps them to monitor their comprehension and keeps them engaged. One way to use Read, Think, Write is: when students are reading they are given a sticky note to write down any questions, feelings, or comments they have as they are reading. A light bulb could be drawn by the questions. After some time, students can turn to a partner to talk about their reading, or the teacher can give a specific question relating to the topic to discuss with a partner. Groups may be formed to offer more ideas and more discussion. The teacher would then ask the students learned from monitoring their comprehension.

  2. How does this strategy work?
    In the Read, Write and Talk strategy, students read a piece of work, stop and write what they have read and also talk with thier peers. By doing this STR they are adding to the knowledge level and engage in purposeful conversation.
    This strategy works because students talk to their partners to help them understand what they have read. They can also have their questions answered if they have any. This helps them become active readers and not passive ones.
    I know this strategy can help me in social studies. When we are reading Current Events and Weekly Reader, students can do this and it will help them remember facts for the back side of the comprehension page. I want them to stop and think about the information read and jot down what they have read. I have several websites that I use for 7th and 8th that students can stop and think about what is being read, like the Tween Tribune. This will help them comprehend the articles.

  3. Read, think, write helps the students enter into a relationship with what they are reading. It allows them to connect what they are reading with the world around them; How it may be similar, different, or something that they would like to change or improve upon. This strategy helps increase student comprehension by their connection to the text. It keeps them engaged and helps them to understand and dig deeper into meaning of what they are reading. I already use different forms of these strategies in my classroom. The one that I want to work more on is entitled, "Noticing and exploring thinking" We already talk about what is happening in the book and what the character is thinking. This strategy focuses on the student sharing a text to self relationship where they make a meaningful connection to what they have read.

  4. How does this strategy work? I think the key word in this strategy is "think". Students will often just skim through a text or read only what the surface tells them, without thinking at a deeper level what meaning can be taken from the text. I think that by utilizing these strategies we encourage students to use higher-order thinking skills. Students need to be taught to interact with what they are reading; inner conversation will encourage them to "talk" about what they've read either to themselves or with others. The same can be said for the read, write, and talk strategy- if we model our thought process to students as we read aloud they can see the benefits of doing it themselves.
    Why does it help with reading comprehesion? When a student takes the time to think about what they've read, talk about what they've read, or relate to what they've read they have a personal connection to it. Isn't it human nature to remember certain moments? Those memories can help students retain what they've read.
    How can I apply this in my classroom? I believe that in many ways I already do- after each reading assignment we do a think aloud about the previous reading, students often bring up personal reflections that they have been reminded about as they read. I would like to utilize more of the written portion of the read, write, and think so that they have their personal thoughts about the reading ready to share when we meet for discussion.

  5. Read, think, write strategy gives readers an opportunity to think, record thoughts, and to talk about their reading. When readers interact with the text they're more apt to stay on top of the meaning as they read, improving reading comprehension. Students may use this process as they work math problems. They read the problem and think and record as they're working, then share how and why they worked it as they did.
