Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ITBS Is Coming!!!

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Next week is a very exciting week at the Graettinger-Terril Middle School! Beginning February 8, 2010 your child will be taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS). The ITBS is the statewide assessment that determines how your child is progressing in core academic areas. I can’t stress enough the importance of this assessment. We use this data to determine what area(s) our students need improvement in both individually and as a whole. The ITBS is also an indicator used to compare Graettinger-Terril with other schools in the area and state.

There are several ways you as a parent/guardian can help your child succeed. Next week make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep and a good breakfast. If your child can not have a breakfast at home, we do serve breakfast here at the school. The most important way you can help your child is by giving positive support for the ITBS. It is not just a reflection on the school, but your child as an individual!

Thank you for all the ways you support our school. I’m very proud of our students and faculty, and I know the great academic system we have in place will reflect in our ITBS results. If you have any questions please feel free to call at 712-853-6111x32 or email julrich@terril.k12.ia.us


  1. Thought I would try this. Let me know if it works. Thanks, Calista

  2. Yeah, It says it is published. Wow
